Grimms’ Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm

Little Red Riding Hood by Albert Anker, public domain image

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The following stories are selected from among Grimms’ most popular fairy tales.  To listen to or to read the unabridged book of Grimms’ Fairy Tales (10 1/2 hours in length), use the following links:

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Summary: A classic collection of oral German folklore, brought together for posterity by the scholarly brothers Grimm in the 1800s, this epitome of fairy tales includes many of the world’s best known stories. In these dark foreboding woods, you will find: Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, Lily and the Lion (better known as Beauty and the Beast), and Snow White and Rose Red, among other timeless works. These tales were later heavily revised and sanitised, but here are presented closer to their grim and beloved originals. (Summary by Marlo Dianne for Librivox)

Hans in Luck by Anne Anderson, public domain image

The Golden Bird

Hans in Luck

The Travelling Musicians

The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean

Briar Rose

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

The Fisherman and his Wife

The Frog Prince

Frog Prince by Anne Anderson, public domain image

The Cat and Mouse in Partnership

The Goose Girl

The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet


The Valiant Little Tailor

The Valiant Little Tailor by Offterdinger, public domain image

Hansel and Gretel

Little Red-Cap (or Little Red Riding Hood)

The Robber Bridegroom

Tom Thumb


Hansel and Gretel by Offterdinger, public domain image

Clever Gretel

Ashputtel  (or Cinderella)

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Clever Hans

The Four Clever Brothers

The Lily and the Lion (or Beauty and the Beast)

The Golden Goose

The King of The Golden Mountain

Snow White and Rose Red

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