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Educational resources for busy parents
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To read this book yourself, Internet archive page on Librivox
To listen to this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter links in this post.
Internet archive page on Librivox
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02 – Daniel Boone and the Founding of Kentucky
03 – George Rogers Clark and the Conquest of the Northwest
07 – The Storming of Stony Point
09 – The Burning of the ‘Philadelphia’
11 – The ‘General Armstrong’ Privateer
12 – The Battle of New Orleans
13 – John Quincy Adams and the Right of Petition
18 – The Death of Stonewall Jackson
20 – General Grant and the Vicksburg Campaign
You are There! Napoleon Returns from Elba
Napoleon Bonaparte was sent into exile by the Allied government. Less than a year later, he escaped, and returned to France with a small army.
You Are There! Tom Thumb Steam Locomotive is about the trial run of the Tom Thumb, the first steam locomotive ever built in the United States.
You are There! The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
You are There! The Capture of John Wilkes Booth
Click here to see a selection of CurrClick downloadable materials which could be used to enhance a study of Abraham Lincoln. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
You are There The Bombardment of Fort Sumter
Click here for more episodes of You are There!
Click here to see a selection of CurrClick materials designed to enhance your study of The Civil War, including lapbooks, copywork pages, unit studies and more. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
You are There! Lee and Grant at Appommatox
Click here to see a selection of CurrClick materials designed to enhance your study of The Civil War, including lapbooks, copywork pages, unit studies and more. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
You are There! The Monitor and The Merrimac
Click here to see a selection of CurrClick materials designed to enhance your study of The Civil War, including lapbooks, copywork pages, unit studies and more. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
The following excerpts are from the film The Plow that Broke the Plains.
You are There! The Oklahoma Land Run
Cherokee Land Rush, excerpt from The Plow that Broke the Plains
Horse Drawn Plow, excerpt from The Plow that Broke the Plains
Dust Bowl, Trying to plow dry soil (1936), excerpt from The Plow that Broke the Plains
You are There The Battle of Gettysburg
Click here to see a selection of CurrClick materials designed to enhance your study of The Civil War, including lapbooks, copywork pages, unit studies and more. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
Click here to see a selection of downloadable curriculum resources which could be used in a study of the Alamo. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
Internet archive page on Librivox.
To read this book for yourself, click here.
You can also click play in the box below, or click on the chapter titles in this post.
01 – Ancient England and the Romans
02 – Ancient England Under the Early Saxons
03 – England Under the Good Saxon, Alfred
04 – England Under Athelstan and the Six Boy-Kings
05 – England Under Canute the Dane
06 – England Under Harold Harefoot, Hardicanute, and Edward the Confessor
07 – England Under Harold the Second, and Conquered by the Normans
08 – England Under William the First, the Norman Conqueror
09 – England Under William the Second, Called Rufus
10 – England Under Henry the First, Called Fine-Scholar
11 – England Under Matilda and Stephen
13 – England Under Richard The First, Called The Lion-Heart
14 – England Under King John, Called Lackland
15 – England Under Henry The Third, called , of Winchester
16 – England Under Edward the First, Called Longshanks
17 – England Under Edward the Second
18 – England Under Edward the Third
19 – England Under Richard the Second
20 – England Under Henry the Fourth, Called Bolingbroke
21 – England under Henry the Fifth
22 – England under Henry the Sixth
23 – England under Edward the Fourth
24 – England Under Edward the Fifth
25 – England Under Richard the Third
26 – England Under Henry the Seventh
27 – England Under Henry the Eighth, Called Bluff King Hal
28 – England Under Henry the Eighth
29 – England Under Edward the Sixth
32 – England Under James I
33 – England Under Charles the First
34 – England Under Oliver Cromwell
35 – England Under Charles the Second, Called the Merry Monarch
Internet archive page on Librivox
To read this book for yourself, click here.
To hear this book, click play in the box below, or click on the links in this post.
To listen to this book at Librivox or to download it to MP3, click here. To read this book yourself, click here.
Click play in the box below to hear this book, or click on the chapter titles in this post.
04 – The Boscombe Valley Mystery
06 – The Man with the Twisted Lip
07 – The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
08 – The Adventure of the Speckled Band
09 – The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb
10 – The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
11 – The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
To stream these chapters online or to download to MP3, click here.
To read the text yourself, click here .
The first half of this book is also available. Click here for Our Island Story Part 1.
To hear this book, click play on the box below, or click on the chapter titles throughout this post.
Summary from Librivox:
Our Island Story was first published in 1905 and became an instant classic. Beginning with the Romans and following the triumphs and foibles of the good, not so good and the downright despicable figures of history; we are treated to a dazzling montage of kings, queens, barons, knights, explorers, movers and shakers that have played a key role in the history of England.
Marshall freely mixes folk tale with historical fact and in so doing paints a very vivid picture of the past in a style reminiscent of all that is finest in the children’s story-telling tradition. This is the second section of that work and will carry you from the convoluted and bloody Wars of the Roses up to the death of Queen Victoria and the resolution of the Boer War.
Please be advised that this book was written in the early years of the 20th century and there will be words and phrases used then, in all innocence, that are considered politically incorrect in this age. It’s perfectly fine for children to listen to but please ensure there is someone on hand who can explain these terms in a mature fashion.(Summary by Jim, for
56Â Queen Margaret and the Robbers
58 Edward V – The King Who was Never Crowned
59 The Two Little Princes in the Tower
60 Henry VII – Story of the Make-Believe Prince
61 Another Make-Believe Prince
62 Henry VIII and The Field of the Cloth of Gold
63 How the King Became the Defender of the Faith
64 Henry VIII: The Story of the King’s Six Wives
66 The Story of Lady Jane Grey
67 How the Princess Elizabeth Became a Prisoner
68 Mary I – How a Candle Was Lit in England
69 How the Imprisoned Princess Became a Queen
70 Elizabeth – The Story of a Most Unhappy Queen
71 How England was saved from the Spaniards
72 Elizabeth–The story of Sir Walter Raleigh
76 How a Woman Struck a Blow for Freedom
77 How the King and the Parliament Quarrelled
78 The Story of How the King was Brought to His Death
80 The Commonwealth – The Lord Protector
81 How Death Walked in the Streets of London
82 The Story of How London was Burned
85 The Story of the Seven Bishops
87 The Story of Brave Londonderry
88 The Story of a Sad Day in a Highland Glen
89 How the Union Jack was Made
90 The Story of the Earl of Mar’s Hunting Party
91 The Story of Bonnie Prince Charlie
92 The Story of Flora MacDonald
93 The Story of The Black Hole of Calcutta
94 The Story of How Canada Was Won
96 A Story of a Spinning Wheel
97 England Expects that Every Man will do his Duty
98 George III – The Battle of Waterloo
99 The First Gentleman in Europe
102 Victoria – When Bread was Dear
106 Victoria – The Siege of Delhi
108 Victoria – Under the Southern Cross
109 From Cannibal to Christian
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