Summary:?Typically, Henty’s heroes are boys of pluck in troubled times, and this is no different. Detailed research is embellished with a vivid imagination, especially in this novel set in the Punic wars, about which knowledge is limited: “…certainly we had but a hazy idea as to the merits of the struggle and knew but little of its events, for the Latin and Greek authors, which serve as the ordinary textbooks in schools, do not treat of the Punic wars. That it was a struggle for empire at first, and latterly one for existence on the part of Carthage, that Hannibal was a great and skilful general, that he defeated the Romans at Trebia, Lake Trasimenus, and Cannae, and all but took Rome, and that the Romans behaved with bad faith and great cruelty at the capture of Carthage, represents, I think, pretty nearly the sum total of our knowledge. ” (from the preface)
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Aeneid
VIRGIL (70 BC – 19 BC), translated by John DRYDEN (1631 – 1700)
The Aeneid is a Latin epic written by Virgil in the 1st century BC that tells the legendary story of Aeneas, a Trojan who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans. The first six of the poem’s twelve books tell the story of Aeneas’ wanderings from Troy to Italy, and the poem’s second half treats the Trojans’ ultimately victorious war upon the Latins, under whose name Aeneas and his Trojan followers are destined to be subsumed. The poem was commissioned from Vergil by the Emperor Augustus to glorify Rome. Several critics think that the hero Aeneas’ abandonment of the Cartheginian Queen Dido, is meant as a statement of how Augustus’ enemy, Mark Anthony, should have behaved with the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra. (Summary by Wikipedia and Karen Merline)
Running time: 13 hours, 40 minutes
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Book 1: A Fateful Haven, part 1
Book 1: A Fateful Haven, part 2
Book 2: How they took the City, part 1
Book 2: How they took the City, part 2
Book 3: Sea Wanderings and Strange Meetings, part 1
Book 3: Sea Wanderings and Strange Meetings, part 2
Book 4: The Passion of the Queen, part 1
Book 4: The Passion of the Queen, part 2
Book 5: Games and a Conflagration, part 1
Book 5: Games and a Conflagration, part 2
Book 6: The World Below, part 1
Book 6: The World Below, part 2
Book 7: Juno Served by a Fury, part 1
Book 7: Juno Served by a Fury, part 2
Book 8: Arcadian Allies, part 1
Book 8: Arcadian Allies, part 2
Bk 09: A Night Sortie, a Day Assault, pt 1
Bk 09: A Night Sortie, a Day Assault, pt 2
Bk 10: The Death of Princes, pt 1
Bk 10: The Death of Princes, pt 2
Bk 11: Debaters and a Warrior Girl, pt 1
Bk 11: Debaters and a Warrior Girl, pt 2
On the Shores of the Great Sea by M. B. Synge
Summary: Book I of the “Story of the World” series. Focuses on the civilizations surrounding the Mediterranean Sea from the time of Abraham to the birth of Christ. Brief histories of the Ancient Israelites, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Scythians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans are given, concluding with the conquest of the entire Mediterranean by Rome. Important myths and legends that preceded recorded history are also related. Ages 9-18 (Summary from the Baldwin Project)
Total running time: 4 hours, 53 minutes
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# 05 – The Story of the Nile Flood
# 09 – The First Merchant Fleet
# 16 – The Story of the Argonauts
# 18 – The Adventures of Ulysses
# 27 – How Leonidas Kept the Pass
# 33 – Retreat of the Ten Thousand
# 34 – The Story of Romulus and Remus
# 35 – How Horatius Kept the Bridge
You are There: World History
1200 BC – Fall of Troy
480 BC – Thermopolae
399 BC – Death of Socrates
September 30, 331 BC? Rise of Alexander the Great: Peace Offer
October 1, 331 BC – Rise of Alexander the Great: Battle for Asia
September, 326 BC – Rise of Alexander the Great: Mutiny in India
August 26, 79 BC – The Last Day of Pompeii
December 5, 63 BC – The Conspiracy of Catiline
44 BC – The Assassination of Julius Caesar
December 25, 800 – Charlemagne
October 14, 1066 – The Battle of Hastings
June 15, 1215 – The Signing of the Magna Charta
May 30, 1431 – Joan of Arc Burned at the Stake
April 7, 1498 – The Ordeal of Savonarola
June 15, 1520 – The Death of Montezuma
October 3, 1574 – The Siege of Leiden, Holland
February 8, 1587 – Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
August 8, 1588 – Drake Defeats Spanish Armada
January, 1649 – The Trial and Sentencing of Charles I
September 5, 1670 – Trial of William Penn
May 23, 1701 – The Hanging of Captain Kidd
June 22, 1757 – The Battle of Plassey
July 14, 1789 – The Storming of the Bastille
October 16, 1793 – The Trial of Marie Antoinette
May 6, 1802 – Toussaint Louverture Liberates Haiti
March 7, 1815 – Napoleon Returns from Elba
July 31, 1815 – Napoleon Recaptured and Exiled
October 25, 1854 – The Charge of the Light Brigade
June 19, 1867 – The Execution of Maximillian
September 8, 1899 – The Dreyfus Case
Hannibal by Jacob Abbott
Summary: There are certain names which are familiar, as names, to all mankind; and every person who seeks for any degree of mental cultivation, feels desirous of informing himself of the leading outlines of their history, that he may know, in brief, what it was in their characters or their doings which has given them so widely-extended a fame. Consequently, great historical names alone are selected; and it has been the writer’s aim to present the prominent and leading traits in their characters, and all the important events in their lives, in a bold and free manner, and yet in the plain and simple language which is so obviously required in works which aim at permanent and practical usefulness. This volume is dedicated to Hannibal. (Summary from the preface of the book)
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Rome. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
Running time: 6 hours, 12 minutes
To hear this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.
03 – Opening of the Second Punic War
05 – Hannibal Crosses the Alps, pt.1
06 – Hannibal Crosses the Alps, Part 2
07 – Hannibal in the North of Italy
Works of Sallust: The Catiline Conspiracy and the Jugurthine War
You can listen to individual chapters from this book by using the player widget located at its Librivox Internet archive page
Download this book as a zipped file
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Rome. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
Running time: 6 hours, 44 minutes
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Rome. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
The Story of Mankind by Hendrik van Loon
Read this book yourself online or on a Kindle, or read it here with accompanying illustrations.
Summary: Relates the story of western civilization from earliest times through the beginning of the twentieth century, with special emphasis on the people and events that changed the course of history. Portrays in vivid prose the achievements of mankind in the areas of art and discovery, as well as the political forces leading to the modern nation-states. Richly illustrated with drawings by the author. Winner of the first Newbery Award in 1922, The Story of Mankind has introduced generations of children to the pageant of world history. (Summary from
Running time: 13 hours
Note to parent: I am including this book on My Audio School, as it is used by Ambleside Online curriculum. They recommend it for older children (middle school through high school).
My Audio School is being used by so many children whose families hold varying perspectives on creation and evolution. I have not provided links for the first 3 chapters of this book, (30 minutes of material), which are full of evolutionary content. Should you need to refer to these chapters, you can use the links provided above for reading or downloading this book at its Internet Archive page in its entirety. I have not pre-read the majority of this book, but found evolutionary references in the two additional chapters that I listened to (The Age of Science and The New World). Please be aware there may be evolutionary content in other chapters, as well. Should you have further questions about the suitability of this book please read this review from Cathy Duffy.
Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace
Famous Men of Rome by Haaren and Poland
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Rome. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
To hear this book, click play in the box below, or click on the chapter titles.
The Discovery of New Worlds by M. B. Synge
To read this book online, click here.
Click here to view downloadable curriculum from CurrClick which could be used for a study of the Middle Ages. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
To listen, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.
Total running time: 5 hours, 22 minutes
06 – The Destruction of Pompeii
08 – Decline of the Roman Empire
13 – King Arthur and His Knights
16 – How the Northmen Conquered England
29 – The Invention of Printing
31 – Vasco Da Gama’s Great Voyage
You are There! The Last Day of Pompeii
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Rome. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E. M. Berens
For this book’s internet archive page, click here.
To read it yourself online, click here.
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick about Ancient Greece and Rome. These links will take you away from My Audio School.
To listen, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.
01–Preface, Part I, Myths, and The First Dynasty
02 – The Second Dynasty: Chronus, Rhea, Division of the World, Theories as to the Origin of Man
03 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Zeus (Jupiter)
04 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Hera, Pallas Athene, Themis, and Hestia
05 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Demeter and Aphrodite
06 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Phoebus-Apollo
07 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Hecate and Selene
08 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Artemis
09 – Third Dynasty: Olympian Divinities- Hephaetus and Poseidon
10 – Third Dynasty: Sea Divinities- Oceanus through Nike
11 – Third Dynasty: Sea Divinities- Hermes
12 – Third Dynasty: Sea Divinities- Dionysus
13 – Third Dynasty: Sea Divinities- Aides and Plutus
14 – Third Dynasty: Minor Divinities
15 – Third Dynasty: Night and Her Children – Nyx through Eros and Psyche
16 – Third Dynasty: Night and Her Children- Hymen through the Charities or Graces
17 – Third Dynasty: Night and Her Children- Horae through Asclepias
18 – Third Dynasty: Roman Divinities
19 – Public Worship of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
22 – Legends: Cadmus and Perseus
23 – Legends: Ion and Daedelus and Icarus
25-1 – Legends: Pelops and Heracles – part 1
25-2 – Legends: Heracles – part 2
26 – Legends: Bellerophon and Theseus
27 – Legends: Oedipus and The Seven against Thebes
28 – Legends: The Epigoni, Alcmaeon and the Necklace, and The Heraclidae
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Volume 1: A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Early Christian and the Protestant Martyrs
Internet archive page on Librivox
Click on the chapter links to listen to this book, or click play in the box below.
Chapter 1, History of Christian Martyrs to the First General Persecutions under Nero
Chapter 2, part 1, The Ten Primitive Persecutions
Chapter 3, part 1, Persecutions of the Christians in Persia
Chapter 4, part 1, Papal Persecutions
Chapter 5, part 1, An Account of the Inquisition
Chapter 6, part 1, An Account of the Persecutions in Italy under the Papacy
Chapter 7, An Account of the Life and Persecutions of John Wycliffe
Chapter 8, part 1, An Account of the Persecutions in Bohemia under the Papacy
Chapter 9, An Account of the Life and Persecutions of Martin Luther
Chapter 10, General Persecutions in Germany
Chapter 11, An Account of the Persecutions in the Netherlands
Chapter 12, part 1, The Life and Story of the True Servant and Martyr of God, William Tyndale
Chapter 12, part 2, William Tyndale, continued
Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
For this book’s internet archive file on Librivox, click here.
To read this book online, click here OR Read it on your Kindle or on another handheld device in EPUB format
To listen to this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles in this post.
The Sons of William the Conqueror
George Washington and His Hatchet
Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible volume 7
Internet archive page on Librivox
To read it yourself, click here.
Click here to see a selection of downloadable Bible materials from CurrClick. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
To listen, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.
01 – The Church of the First Days
02 – The Man at the Beautiful Gate
03 – The Right Way to Give, and the Wrong Way
04 – Stephen with the Shining Face
05 – The Man Reading in the Chariot
06 The Voice That Spoke to Saul
07 – What Peter Saw by the Sea

08 – How The Iron Gate Was Opened
09 – The Earliest Missionaries
11 – Paul’s Speech on the Hill
14 – Paul ‘s Last Journey to Jerusalem
17 – The Story That Paul Told to the King