Called (inaccurately)Princess Elizabeth of England, the later Queen Elizabeth of England I., at the age of three (right), at the age of five (left) and at the age of six (middle), daughter of King Henry VIII of England and Anne Boleyn, 16th century. The fashions are of the 17th century long after Elizabeth died.
Note: The author mistakenly introduces this chapter as “chapter 3”, but she reads Chapter 2, Childhood of a Princess.
Biographies of Raphael Santi, Murillo, Peter Paul Rubens, and Albrecht Durer. This is a wonderful tool for art study as there are references for further study, as well as ideas for language arts to incorporate into the study. (Summary by Laura Caldwell for Librivox).
Christopher Columbus is shown landing in the West Indies, on an island that the natives called Guanahani and he named San Salvador, on October 12, 1492. He raises the royal banner, claiming the land for his Spanish patrons, and stands bareheaded, with his hat at his feet, in honor of the sacredness of the event. The captains of the Nina and Pinta follow, carrying the banner of Ferdinand and Isabella. The crew displays a range of emotions, some searching for gold in the sand. Natives watch from behind a tree. John Vanderlyn (1775-1852) had studied with Gilbert Stuart and was the first American painter to be trained in Paris, where he worked on this canvas for ten years with the help of assistants.