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This audio was prepared for ESL learners for educational purposes and is presented on a non-profit site for streaming only, not for download. Click on the chapter you want to listen to and the book will automatically open up so you can read along.
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Total running time: 14 hours, 30 minutes
# 01 – The Quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon
# 03 – Paris Challenges Menelaus
# 08 – The Victory of the Trojans
# 09 – The Embassy to Achilles
# 10 – Ulysses and Diomed go out as Spies
# 11 – Agamemnon’s Day of Glory
# 12 – The Trojans Break the Wall
# 13 – Neptune helps the Achaeans
# 14 – Agamemnon Proposes that the Achaeans Should Sail Home
# 16 – Patroclus fights in the armor of Achilles
# 17 – The Light around the Body of Patroclus
# 19 – Achilles Goes Out to Fight
# 21 – Achilles Drives the Trojans Back
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Summary: The Republic is a Socratic dialogue by Plato, written in approximately 380 BC. It is one of the most influential works of philosophy and political theory, and arguably Plato’s best known work. In it, Socrates and various other Athenians and foreigners discuss the meaning of justice and whether the just man is happier than the unjust man by constructing an imaginary city ruled by philosopher-kings. The dialogue also discusses the nature of the philosopher, Plato’s Theory of Forms, the conflict between philosophy and poetry, and the immortality of the soul. (Summary from Wikipedia)
Running time: 23 hours, 26 minutes
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Running time: 12 hours, 25 minutes
Note to parent: This book appears on many high school reading lists, but it contains mature themes. Please rely on your trusted curriculum provider for guidance as to which Canto’s to assign to your student.
01 Inferno: Canto I – Canto V 00:43:10
02 Inferno: Canto VI- Canto X 00:36:40
03 Inferno: Canto XI – Canto XV 00:47:04
04 Inferno: Canto XVI- Canto XX 00:30:36
05 Inferno: Canto XXI – Canto XXV 00:35:24
06 Inferno: Canto XXVI – Canto XXX 00:36:44
07 Inferno: Canto XXXI – Canto XXXIV 00:36:18
08 Purgatory: Canto I – Canto V 00:42:33
09 Purgatory: Canto VI – Canto XI 00:37:19
10 Purgatory: Canto XII – Canto XVI 00:33:15
11 Purgatory: Canto XVII – Canto XXI 00:35:31
12 Purgatory: Canto XXII -Canto XXVII 00:47:07
13 Purgatory: Canto XXVIII -Canto XXXIII 00:43:32
14 Paradise: Canto I- Canto V 00:41:08
15 Paradise: Canto VI – Canto XI 00:38:33
16 Paradise: Canto XII – Canto XVI 00:32:15
17 Paradise: Canto XVII – Canto XXI 00:39:50
18 Paradise: Canto XXII – Canto XXVII00:42:17
19 Paradise: Canto XXVIII- Canto XXXIII 00:44:09
Summary: War and Peace is an epic novel by Leo Tolstoy, first published from 1865 to 1869 in Russki Vestnik, which tells the story of Russian society during the Napoleonic Era. It is usually described as one of Tolstoy’s two major masterpieces (the other being Anna Karenina) as well as one of the world’s greatest novels.
War and Peace offered a new kind of fiction, with a great many characters caught up in a plot that covered nothing less than the grand subjects indicated by the title, combined with the equally large topics of youth, age and marriage. While today it is considered a novel, it broke so many novelistic conventions of its day that many critics of Tolstoy’s time did not consider it as such. Tolstoy himself considered Anna Karenina (1878) to be his first attempt at a novel in the European sense. (Summary by Wikipedia)
This novel is presented in 15 volumes. If you prefer to stream individual chapters within each volume from the computer (rather than downloading to Mp3) click on the Librivox page for the volume you are listening to, and you will find the chapter links there.
Book 1
Running time: 5 hours, 32 minutes
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Book 2
Running time: 4 hours, 32 minutes
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Book 3
Running time: 5 hours, 3 minutes
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Book 4
Running time: 3 hours, 2 minutes
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Book 5
Running time: 3 hours, 53 minutes
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Book 6
Running time: 4 hours, 2 minutes
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Book 7
Running time: 2 hours, 38 minutes
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Book 8
Running time: 3 hours, 57 minutes
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Book 9
Running time: 4 hours, 19 minutes
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Book 10
Running time: 7 hours, 30 minutes
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Book 11
Running time: 6 hours, 10 minutes
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Book 12
Running time: 2 hours, 42 minutes
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Book 13
Running time: 2 hours, 15 minutes
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Book 14
Running time: 2 hours, 9 minutes
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Book 15 This book has not been recorded yet, but it is in production. We will post the links here when it is finished. In the meantime, you can listen to the unedited recording of this book here, by clicking on the word Listen beside each chapter.
Running time:
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Summary: Promoting virtues such as filial devotion, compassion, loyalty, and propriety, these dialogues between the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius and his disciples comprise the crux of Confucianism. (Summary by Andrea L for Librivox)
Total running time: 3 hrs. 12 min.
To hear this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter links.
To hear this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter links.
Total running time: 58 min.
01 – Book I Part 1 (Chapters 1-5)
02 – Book I Part 2 (Chapters 6-10
03 – Book I Part 3 (Chapters 11-16)
04 – Book II Part 1 (Chapters 1-9)
05 – Book II Part 2 (Chapters 10-21)
06 – Book II Part 3 (Chapters 22-28)
07 – Book III Part 1 (Chapters 1-10
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