Hallmark Playhouse presents Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice NBC Theater of the Air
Pride and Prejudice on Favorite Story
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The Hurrying of Ludovic
Old Lady Lloyd part 2
Old Lady Lloyd part 3
The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s part 1
The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s part 2
The Courting of Prissy Strong part 1
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Running time: 24 hours, 38 minutes
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Anne of the Island is the 3rd book in the Anne of Green Gables series.
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I The Shadow of Change II Garlands of Autumn III Greeting and Farewell IV April's LadyV Letters from Home VI In the Park VII Home Again VIII Anne's First Proposal IX An Unwelcome Lover and a Welcome Friend X Patty's Place XI The Round of Life XII "Averil's Atonement" XIII The Way of Transgressors XIV The Summons XV A Dream Turned Upside Down XVI Adjusted Relationships XVII A Letter from Davy XVIII Miss Josepine Remembers the Anne-girl
XIX An Interlude XX Gilbert Speaks XXI Roses of Yesterday XXII Spring and Anne Return to Green Gables XXIII Paul Cannot Find the Rock People XXIV Enter Jonas XXV Enter Prince Charming XXVI Enter Christine XXVII Mutual Confidences XXVIII A June Evening XXIX Diana's Wedding
XXX Mrs. Skinner's Romance XXXI Anne to Philippa XXXII Tea with Mrs. Douglas
XXXIII "He Just Kept Coming and Coming" XXXIV John Douglas Speaks at Last XXXV The Last Redmond Year Opens XXXV1 The Gardners' Call XXXVII Full-fledged B.A.'s XXXVIII False Dawn XXXIX Deals with Weddings XL A Book of Revelation XLI Love Takes Up the Glass of Time
Anne of Avonlea is the 2nd book in the Anne of Green Gables series.
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I An Irate Neighbor II Selling in Haste and Repenting at Leisure III Mr. Harrison at Home IV Different Opinions V A Full-fledged Schoolma'am VI All Sorts and Conditions of Men . . . and women VII The Pointing of Duty VIII Marilla Adopts Twins IX A Question of Color X Davy in Search of a Sensation XI Facts and Fancies XII A Jonah DayXIII A Golden Picnic XIV A Danger Averted XV The Beginning of Vacation XVI The Substance of Things Hoped For XVII A Chapter of Accidents XVIII An Adventure on the Tory Road XIX Just a Happy Day XX The Way It Often Happens XXI Sweet Miss Lavendar
XXII Odds and Ends XXIII Miss Lavendar's Romance XXIV A Prophet in His Own Country XXV An Avonlea Scandal XXVI Around the Bend XXVII An Afternoon at the Stone House XXVIII The Prince Comes Back to the Enchanted Palace XXIX Poetry and Prose XXX A Wedding at the Stone House
Summary: Real men don’t take guff from snotty kids. Neither does Disko Troop, skipper of the “We’re Here”, a fishing schooner out of Gloucester, Massachusetts, when his crew fishes Harvey Cheyne out of the Atlantic. There’s no place on the Grand Banks for bystanders, so Harvey is press-ganged into service as a replacement for a man lost overboard and drowned. Harvey is heir to a vast fortune, but his rescuers believe none of what he tells them of his background. Disko won’t take the boat to port until it is full of fish, so Harvey must settle in for a season at sea. Hard, dangerous work and performing it alongside a grab-bag of characters in close quarters is a life-changing experience.
And when Harvey at last is reunited with his parents, who have thought him dead for months, he must face the hard decisions of how he will allow his experience to change his life. (Summary by Mark F. Smith for Librivox)
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Total running time: 5 hours, 57 minues
Read this story in the book Best Russian Short Stories.
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The Bet running time: 24 minutes.
Summary: Every thoughtful young man must read J. C. Ryle. For those who don’t have the time or would rather listen, Douglas Bond presents this new audio book. As a young man, Ryle was a first-class athlete, rowing on the crew and playing cricket at Oxford, and a diligent student, graduating top of his class. After hearing Ephesians 2 read in church, Ryle was converted to Christ and thereafter earnestly pursued an uncompromising life of faith and ministry. Throughout his long life, Ryle became a leader in the evangelical movement, proclaiming faithfully the biblical and reformed gospel of grace. During his preaching and pastoral ministry, Ryle became a lover of the Puritans and, like his heroes, wrote prolifically (Summary by Douglas Bond).
Here’s how Ryle begins:
“When the Apostle Paul wrote his Epistle to Titus about his responsibility as a minister, he mentioned young men as a group requiring particular attention. After speaking of older men and older women, and young women, he adds this advice, “Encourage the young men to be self-controlled” (Titus 2:6). I am going to follow the Apostle’s advice. I propose to offer a few words of friendly exhortation to young men.
I am growing old myself, but there are few things that I can remember so well as were the days of my youth. I have a most distinct recollection of the joys and the sorrows, the hopes and the fears, the temptations and the difficulties, the mistaken judgments and the misplaced affections, the errors and the aspirations, which surround and accompany a young man’s life. If I can only say something to keep some young man walking in the right way, and preserve him from faults and sins, which may hurt his prospects both for time and eternity, I shall be very thankful. There are four things which I propose to do:
I. I will mention some general REASONS why young men need exhorting.
II. I will note some special DANGERS which young men need to be warned about.
III. I will give some general COUNSEL which I beg young men to receive.
IV. I will set down some special RULES OF CONDUCT which I strongly advise young men to follow. On each of these four points I have something to say, and I pray to God that what I say may do good to some soul.”
This reading is performed by popular author Douglas Bond, and My Audio School thanks him for permission to share it with you!? The links below will take you to a page where you can either stream or download the audio files.
Read this book yourself online
If you want to download these files to mp3, you can find the mp3 files here:
All of the chapters can also be streamed in audio players at this link.
If you prefer some visuals, Douglas Bond has also made this book’s introduction, the beginning of chapter 1, and the final chapter (5) available on You Tube. ?As with all video sharing sites, please exercise caution when viewing You Tube videos. ?We recommend viewing videos either full screen or here on My Audio School.
Chapter 1, part A: Reasons for Exhorting Young Men
Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks to Young Men
Around the World in 80 Days by Hallmark Theater
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To read this book yourself, Internet archive page on Librivox
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To listen to this book at Librivox or to download it to MP3, click here. To read this book yourself, click here.
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04 – The Boscombe Valley Mystery
06 – The Man with the Twisted Lip
07 – The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
08 – The Adventure of the Speckled Band
09 – The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb
10 – The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
11 – The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
To listen to this book at Librivox or to download it to MP3, click here. To read this book yourself, click here.
To hear this book, click play in the box below or click on the chapter titles.
Here is The Raven in some foreign languages, for you language students:
Click here to see a selection of downloadable curriculum resources from CurrClick which could be used to study Fairy Tales. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods by Charles Perrault
Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault
Cinderella, retold by Miss Mulock
The Story of the Three Bears retold by Robert
Tom Thumb retold by Joseph Jacobs
Blue Beard by Charles Perrault
The Brave Little Tailor by Anonymous
The Fair One with the Golden Locks retold by Miss Mulock
Jack and the Beanstalk by Anonymous
William Patten’s The Junior Classics, Volume 1, has over 14 hours of recorded material in it. To stream it on Librivox or to download it to MP3, click here.
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