Summary: In this charming 1877 book of grammar instruction for children, we are introduced to the nine parts of speech and learn about the rules that govern them in Grammar-Land.
“Judge Grammar is far mightier than any Fairy Queen, for he rules over real kings and queens down here in Matter-of-fact-land. Our kings and queens have all to obey Judge Grammar?s laws, or else they would talk what is called bad grammar; and then, even their own subjects would laugh at them, and would say: ?Poor things!
They are funny fellows, these nine Parts-of-Speech. You will find out by-and-by which you like best amongst them all. There is rich Mr. Noun, and his useful friend Pronoun; little ragged Article, and talkative Adjective; busy Dr. Verb, and Adverb; perky Preposition, convenient Conjunction, and that tiresome Interjection, the oddest of them all.” Summary for Librivox
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Total running time:? 2 hours, 46 minutes
Worksheets for Grammar Land

Worksheets for Grammar Land
00 Preface and Introduction
01? Mr. Noun
02? Little Article
03? Mr. Pronoun
04? Serjeant Parsing’s Visit to Schoolroom-shire

05? Mr. Adjective
06? Mr. Adjective Tried for Stealing
07? The Quarrel Between Mr. Pronoun and Mr. Adjective, and Little Interjection
08? Dr. Verb
09? Dr. Verb’s Three Tenses, and Number, and Persons
10? Serjeant Parsing in Schoolroom-Shire Again
11?? The Nominative Case
12? Adverb
13? Preposition
14? Prepositions Govern the Objective Case
15? Conjunction
16? Active Verbs Govern the Objective Case
17? The Possessive Case, and Who’s to Have the Prize?