Here is a linked list of the unblocked book titles and extra material currently available on My Audio School for non-subscribers. The first part of the list is unabridged books, organized by title (rather than by author). The second part is for “additional materials”, such as poetry selections, kids records, podcasts, video clips, radio theater, etc. For complete access to all the materials on My Audio School, please subscribe.
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Unabridged Books
A Child’s Garden verses by Stevenson
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare by Nesbit
Burgess Book of Animals by Burgess
The Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne
Dangerous Journey (By Oliver Hunkin, John Bunyan)
Discoverers and Explorers by Shaw
The Fairyland of Science by Arabella Buckley
Fifty Famous Stories retold by Baldwin
The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter by Beatrix Potter
Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates by Dodge
The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
Hurlbut’s Story of the Bible, Volume 1
In God’s Garden by Amy Steedman
The Journal of Lewis and Clark by Meriweather Lewis and William Clark
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a play by William Shakespeare
More Goops and How Not to Be Them by Gelett Burgess
The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Samuel Butler
Our Island Story Part 1 by H. E. Marshall
Our Island Story Part 2 by H. E. Marshall
Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt by Bakie
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Puck of Pook’s Hill by Rudyard Kipling
The Railway Children by Nesbit
The Red Badge of Courage by Crane
Robinson Crusoe written anew for children by Dafoe/Baldwin
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Sinking of the Titanic by Logan Marshall
Stepping Heavenward by Prentiss
Stories of Beowulf Told to the Children by H. E. Marshall
Stories of King Arthur’s Knights Told to the Children by MacGregor
Story of the Middle Ages by Harding
Thoughts for Young Men by J. C. Ryle
The Young Railroaders by Francis Coombs
Additional Titles
Abraham Lincoln Speeches and Documents
Adventures in Odyssey (external links provided)
Aesop’s Fables, excerpted from The Junior Classics
The Alamo (episode of Frontier Fighters)
Alexander the Great (radio theater, You are There)
American Independence Day resources
American Revolution by Schoolhouse Rock
Ancient and Medieval Church History course (external links provided)
As you Like It by William Shakespeare
Battle of Gettysburg (radio theater, You are There)
Battle of Hastings (radio theater, You are There)
Berlin Wall (video)
Buffalo Bill (old time radio episode from Cavalcade of America)
The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss (Kiddie Records Weekly)
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County by Mark Twain
Christopher Columbus (Columbus Day resources)
The Composer is Dead by Nathaniel Stookey and Lemony Snicket
Congress (Facts of Congress) videos
The Constitution of the United States of America
Da Vinci’s inventions (video)
Dickinson, Emily: selected poetry
Early America videos (Washington, Franklin, etc. external links)
Flower Fables by Louisa May Alcott
Fort Sumter (You are There radio theater)
George Washington, Mister President (Old Time Radio)
Government and Economics from Schoolhouse Rock
Grammar lessons from School House Rock
Inside Birding: birdwatcher training videos for kids
I, Isaac, Take Thee, Rebecca (courtship and marriage talk by Ravi Zacharias)
Kennedy, John F., Moon speech (video)
Last of the Mohicans radio theater
Lewis and Clark Radio Adventure theater
Liddell, Eric (video trailers and links)
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott (1940 movie)
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Longfellow
Modern Kids art podcast: Richard Artschwager, Splatter Chair I
Modern Kids art podcast: Waltercio Caldas, Mirror of Light
Modern Kids art podcast: Marc Chagall, I and the Village, audio only
Modern Kids art podcast: Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory
Modern Kids art podcast: Jean Dubuffet, The Magician
Modern Kids art podcast: Jacob Lawrence, The Migration
Modern Kids art podcast: Henri Matisse, The Piano Lesson
Modern Kids art podcast: Piet Mondrian, Broadway Boogie Woogie
Modern Kids art podcast: Claude Monet, Reflections of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond
Modern Kids art podcast: Nicholas Nixon, The Brown Sisters (audio only)
Modern Kids art podcast: Claes Oldenburg, Giant Soft Fan
Modern Kids art podcast: Pablo Picasso, Guitar
Modern Kids art podcast: Pablo Picasso, Three Musicians
Modern Kids art podcast: Jackson Pollock, One: Number 31
Modern Kids art podcast: Robert Smithson, Corner Mirror with Coral
Modern Kids art podcast: James Turrell, A Frontal Passage
Modern Kids art podcast: Vincent VanGogh, Portrait of Joseph Roulin
Modern Kids art podcast: Tom Wesselmann, Still Life #30
Music from Early America (links)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Norton Anthology of Poetry links
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
Panama Canal (video)
Poe, Edgar Allen, selected short works
Preamble to the Constitution, Schoolhouse Rock (video)
Remember the Alamo radio drama
Robin Hood (kiddie records weekly)
Rockwell, Norman (art video)
Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats (video clips of Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivering his fireside chats)
Sailing of the Mayflower (radio theater, You are There)
Squanto, Focus on the Family Radio Theater
Stevenson, Robert Louis: selected poetry
The Fall of Troy (You are there radio theater)
War of the Worlds radio theater
This is an amazing find! Thank you so much for sharing
WOW-this is fantastic. Thank you!! Holly
What a treasure!! Thank you for sharing!
God bless,
This is the best curriculum enhancement I have ever found! I subscribed immediately. God Bless, Nola-ann
I’m surprised but very pleased to see at least two of my narrations here! (“Captains Courageous” and “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”)
May I recommend another? “The Young Railroaders” by Francis Coombs is a great book for youths:
Hi Mark,
You are one of my favorite narrators! Here’s the book you recommended!
Thank you so much! I have 2nd grade triplets and a kindergartener and this is our first year home schooling. I have a gifted kindergartener, a possibly dyslexic 2nd grader and two gifted 2nd grade boys one with ADHD and one with Aspergers. We have the widest variety of learners! These audio books will be a blessing! Thank you!