You are there! The Storming of the Bastille
Les Miserables radio theater
The following is a 7 episode radio theater production with Orson Welles:
Stream and Download all 7 Orson Welles episodes on one page here.
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
There are 5 volumes in Les Miserables. The length of this book makes it impractical to build the links for all 5 volumes. I am including links to the pages where you can download each of the volumes as a zipped file (to burn on CD or transfer to mp3), as well links for subscribing in iTunes and links to each volume’s Internet Archive page, where you can stream each chapter individually from Librivox, if that is your preference.
Les Miserables, Volume 1, Fantine, Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.
The entire book (5 Volumes) can be read here.
Internet archive page for Volume 1
Running Time for Volume One: 13 hours, 46 minutes
Les Miserables, Volume 2, Cosette, by Victor Hugo, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.
The entire book (all 5 volumes) can be read here.
Download Volume 2 as a zipped file
Subscribe to Volume 2 in iTunes
Total running time of Volume 2: 12 hours, 55 minutes
Les Miserables, Volume 3, Marius, by Victor Hugo, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood.
The entire book (all 5 volumes) can be read here.
Download Volume 3 as a zipped file
Subscribe to Volume 3 in iTunes
Internet archive page for Volume 3 (you can stream individual chapters online using the audio player at this link).
Total running time of Volume 3: 10 hours, 52 minutes
Les Miserables, Volume 4, Saint-Denis, by Victor Hugo, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood
The entire book (all 5 volumes) can be read here.
Download Volume 4 as a zipped file
Subscribe to Volume 4 in iTunes
Internet archive page for Volume 4 (you can stream individual chapters online using the audio player at this link).
Total running time of Volume 4: 15 hours, 35 minutes
Les Miserables, Volume 5, Jean Valjean, by Victor Hugo, translated by Isabel F. Hapgood
The entire book (all 5 volumes) can be read here.
Download Volume 5 as a zipped file
Total running time of this volume: 13 hours, 15 minutes
You are There! Napoleon Returns from Elba
Napoleon Bonaparte was sent into exile by the Allied government. Less than a year later, he escaped, and returned to France with a small army.