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Summary from Librivox: Bulfinch’s Mythology, first published in 1855, is one of the most popular collections of mythology of all time. It consists of three volumes: The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry, and Legends of Charlemagne. This is a recording of the tenth edition of the first volume, The Age of Fable. It contains many Greek and Roman myths, including simplified versions of The Iliad and The Odyssey, as well as a selection of Norse and eastern myths. Thomas Bulfinch’s goal was to make the ancient myths accessible to a wide audience, and so it is suitable for children. (Summary by Kathleen Gatliffe for Librivox)
This book is often used as a high school text. Although the Wikimedia summary says it is appropriate for children, you might consider one of our other mythology titles to be more interesting for younger children.
Stories of Gods and Heroes
The Age of Fable: Publishers and Authors Prefaces
The Age of Fable: Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 2, Prometheus and Pandora
Chapter 3, Apollo and Daphne–Pyramus and Thisbe–Cephalus and Procris
Chapter 4, Juno and her Rivals, Io and Callisto–Diana and Actaeon–Latona and the Rustics
Chapter 6, Midas–Baucis and Philemon
Chapter 7, Proserpine–Glaucus and Scylla
Chapter 8, Pygmalion–Dryope–Venus and Adonis–Apollo and Hyacinthus
Chapter 10, Vertumnus and Pomon–Iphis and Anaxarete
Chapter 12, Cadmus–The Mermidons
Chapter 13, Nisus and Scylla–Echo and Narcissus–Clytie–Hero and Leander
Chapter 14, Minerva and Arachne–Niobe
Chapter 15, Graeae and Gorgons–Perseus and Medusa–Atlas–Andromeda
Chapter 16, Monsters and Giants–Sphinx–Pegasus and Chimaera–Centaurs–Griffin–Pygmies
Chapter 17, The Golden Fleece–Medea
Chapter 18, Meleager and Atalanta
Chapter 19, Hercules–Hebe and Ganymede
Chapter 20, Theseus and Daedalus–Castor and Pollux–Festivals and Games
Chapter 21, Bacchus and Ariadne
Chapter 22, The Rural Deities–The Dryads and Erisichthon–Rhoecus–Water Deities–Camenae–Winds
Chapter 23, Achelous and Hercules–Admetus and Alcestis–Antigone–Penelope
Chapter 24, Orpheus and Eurydice–Aristaeus–Amphion–Linus–Thamyris–Marsyas–Melampus–Musaeus
Chapter 25, Arion–Ibycus–Simonides–Sappho
Chapter 26, Endymion–Orion–Aurora and Tithonus–Acis and Galatea
Chapter 28, The Fall of Troy–Return of the Greeks–Orestesa nd Electra
Chapter 30, The Phaeacians–Fate of the Suitors
Chapter 31, Adventures of Aeneas–The Harpies–Dido–Palinurus
Chapter 32, The Infernal Regions–The Sibyl
Chapter 33, Aeneas in Italy–Camilla–Evander–Nisus and Euryalus–Mezentius–Turnus
Chapter 34, Pythagoras–Egyptian Deities–Oracles
Chapter 35, Origin of Mythology–Statues of Gods and Goddesses–Poets of Mythology
Chapter 36, Monsters (modern)–The Phoenix–Basilisk–Unicorn–Salamander
Chapter 37, Eastern Mythology–Zoroaster–Hindu Mythology–Castes–Buddha–The Grand Lama–Prester John
Chapter 38, Northern Mythology–Valhalla–The Valkyrior