Cavalcade of America radio theater production about John James Audubon
Madame Curie

Hallmark presents Madame Curie on Radio Readers Digest theater.
Click here to see a selection of downloadable resources from CurrClick which would complement a study of Marie Curie. This link will take you away from My Audio School.
The Fairyland of Science by Arabella Buckley
Running time: 6 hours, 56 minutes
To hear this book, click play in the box below, or click on the chapter titles.
Note: I have not previewed this book for evolutionary content. Glancing through, I did see one reference to “millions of years” in chapter one. If this is a concern for you, please click “read this book yourself” to peruse its contents. This book does appear on some popular booklists, such as Ambleside Online.
Summary: I have promised to introduce you today to the fairy-land of science; a somewhat bold promise, seeing that most of you probably look upon science as a bundle of dry facts, while fairy-land is all that is beautiful, and full of poetry and imagination. But I thoroughly believe myself, and hope to prove to you, that science is full of beautiful pictures, of real poetry, and of wonder-working fairies.
(From the Introduction to The Fairyland of Science)
Lecture One: The Fairyland of Science: How to Enter it, How to Use it, and How to Enjoy it
Lecture Two: Sunbeams and the Work They Do
Lecture Three: The Aerial Ocean in Which We Live
Lecture Four: A Drop of Water on its Travels
Lecture Five: The Two Great Sculptors: Water and Ice
Lecture Six: The Voices of Nature and How We Hear Them
Lecture Seven: The Life of a Primrose
Lecture Eight: The History of a Piece of Coal
Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions
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Click here to see downloadable Leonardo da Vinci lapbooks, unit studies and more from CurrClick.
Moths of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter
To download this book to MP3, or to listen at Librivox, click here.
To read this book for yourself, click here.
You can also listen by clicking play in the box below, or by clicking on the chapter titles in this post.
02 – Moths, Eggs, Caterpillars, Winter Quarters
04 – The Yellow Emperor: Eacles Imperialis
05 – The Lady Bird: Deilephila Lineata
06 – Moths of the Moon: Actias Luna
07 – King of the Hollyhocks: Protoparce Celeus
08 – Hera of the Corn: Hyperchira Io
09 – The Sweetheart and the Bride: Catocala amatrix–Catocala neogama
10 – The Giant Gamin: Telea Polyphemus
11 – The Garden Fly: Protoparce Carolina
12 – Bloody-nose of Sunshine Hill: Hemaris Thysbe
13 – The Modest Moth: Triptogon Modesta