Spanish Fairy Tales

Snow White and Rose Red

Have you seen Cody’s Cuentos yet?  This site offers free classic fairy tales (such as Grimm’s tales, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault, and others) and other childrens stories in Spanish. All stories are presented in audio format, read by a professional story teller who is also a native speaker from either Mexico, Argentina or Spain.  Stories are presented along with a written transcript.

They have stories for beginners, intermediate and advanced.  If you are looking for Spanish audio stories, you need to check out this site. You can stream audio right from Cody’s Cuentos, or subscribe through iTunes or to their RSS feed.

Note: clicking these links will take you away from My Audio School.

My Crazy Life Spanish

Here is a video trailer of the BBC’s new beginner’s Spanish language program, My Vida Loca (My Crazy Life). This series incorporates excellent video, immersion language techniques, grammar notes and a mystery all into one. It is also free!